
I Knew this Day Would Come

Tiny has been trying to seriously injure himself for the last two and a half years. He has employed various means including, but not limited to: doors, floors, walls, bats, cats, slides, shoes and concrete. This time it was a rock lodged in his head that prompted a worried call and an MMS from his mom containing the photo below (or above, depending on the browser). One stitch, sans anesthesia, later and he was all fixed up. For now.

One thought on “I Knew this Day Would Come

  1. You know that he’s just trying to keep up with the Joneses here right? By Joneses, I mean the Diezes. And the jealousy factor I’m implying is the Frankenstein-esque scar that David has obtained. I think there is a very valuable lesson to be learned here regarding jealousy, personal self worth, and medical bills. We all know that Jules will be the captain of a very rough rugby team sometime in the future. He might be republican too. So maybe reassuring him that he will have plenty of opportunity to obtain gnarly facial scars later on in life will slow him down a bit for now. And he can work on ridding the country of worthless government in his spare time.

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