Time Constraints Make Me Uncomfortable

Far from creating an exciting rush of adrenaline, the concept of time constaints sets my teeth on edge. They are the main reason that I do not play video games, and I despise it when movie or television program plots hinge on a character performing a certain task or getting to a certain place within a certain time.

Each obstacle the character encounters brings nausea that much closer. And I especially hate that charcters never behave like rational beings by patiently explaining the situation to people instead of continually making their own problems worse.

I do realize that this device must thrill some, as it is used extensively throughout the entertainment industry, but I have no interest in feeling dismayed each time a pushy neighbor insists that the hero cleans her gutters when he has only minutes to make it to the airport before the love of his life takes off for Paraguay, not knowing that it was his nephew’s new work of fiction she heard him reading aloud and he isn’t really an arms-dealing bigamist who absolutely hates orphans.

Oh. And puppies.

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