Velveeta Really Knows How to Stick

I had never seen Velveeta in its natural state before last night. Here’s a fact: Velveeta is disgusting. Here’s another fact: Velveeta is fantastic.

I accept its dual nature; there are many things (I’m looking at you, network television) that I both hate and love. I cannot accept its concrete-like stubbornness.

I made some really fantastic salsa con queso last night and put it in a pewter chip and dip, also known as “el sombrero delicioso.” I tried to wash it today. I gave up on it ten minutes ago. It is dead to me. I stowed it in the crawlspace. The Velveeta just wouldn’t come off.

R.I.P. el sombrero delicioso.

One thought on “Velveeta Really Knows How to Stick

  1. When something is fantastic and disgusting at the same time, I like to say it’s fangusting. Velveeta fits this description.

    Note that Velveeta has been dubbed “cheese product” by it’s own people.

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