Video Girl

Excitement abounds at ENfRPH headquarters. A crew are, as I write, filming a scene for the upcoming feature “Video Girl” just three houses down our street. What we can glean from a little internet research leads us to understand that Meagan Good stars as a young woman from Baton Rouge whose career in classical dance is cut short, so she finds work in the music video industry. Success takes her to Hollywood, but her roots are still in Louisiana.

The film co-stars Haylie Duff, who was great as the snobby cheerleader, Summer, in “Napoleon Dynamite.” Haylie and Meagan have just gotten in and out of a limousine like 10 times for what we gather is a scene where a shady director is wooing Miss Good’s character into the seductive lifestyle that is music video production in Baton Rouge.

It’s been the most humid day I can remember in a long time and the mosquitoes are just awful right now, so I feel kind of sorry for the cast and crew. The bats, however seem really happy with the abundance of insects and the easy pickings provided by the 1.21 gigawatt light kit hovering 20 feet above the street.

All in all, the noise, lights and inconvenience of having my street blocked is more than made up for by the fun of watching the filming. I really hope the movie isn’t as terrible as I think it will be.

2 thoughts on “Video Girl

  1. What?! This film will be awesome. There’s drugs, sex, some amazing acting…and maybe you’ll hear our cats fighting in the background. There’s gonna be some tears, some laughter, and dare I say a lesson will be learned??

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