Food and Children

According to the status updates posted by my friends on Facebook, everybody’s favorite social site should be called “Food and Children.”

As I write, the latest topics appearing on my feed are about chicken curry, chocolate malts and pictures of young ‘uns. I just post pictures of the young ‘un because I never eat anything interesting.

Oh… I forgot Mafia Wars. “Food, Children and Mafia Wars.”

2 thoughts on “Food and Children

  1. Hey, I hardly ever post about food (cuz I live in England), and I certainly never post any photos of young’uns. How about some equality for poor post-grad students?

  2. Yay! My first comment on the new site and my first international commenter. Thanks, or as they say in your country, “Chim chim-in-ey chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-oo!”

    In a way you grad students are equal. But in another more accurate way, you are not.

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