Family Portmanteau-Coining Happy Good Time

The whole ENfRPH crew headed to the hardware store this morning looking to stock up on spray paint and lawnmower blades (is it that time of year ALREADY?) and we were met with a curious sight.

A gentleman of considerable age was pushing a basket through the parking lot. He was in pretty good shape, wearing a tight black t-shirt, thick gold chain and “designer” sunglasses. Think Seymour Cassel (check – you know him even if you don’t know it) only not as cool and without a moustache. Since he was begging for derision, Mrs. G and I obliged. We came up with a great name for him, too.

So now you’ll know what to call all of those spiky-haired, orange-spray-tanned, pouty-lipped photo posers once they become senior citizens. No need to thank us or pay royalties when you use it. This one is free.


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