I’m Not Just Some Fly-by-Night Blogger

I don’t care what those other readers tell you. I am not just some fly-by-night blogger looking for a laugh or two (or disapproving smirk or two) then I’m gone. I’m in this for the long haul.

Do you want an RSS feed? I will personally edit the xml file so that you can experience the full, rich experience of syndicated updates. All for you. Do you want an RSS feed that kind of halfway works with some aggregators, but not with others for no apparent reason? I can and will make it happen.

Sure, I could use a better Web editor, one (for example) that doesn’t add an unnecessary extension to every address inside said xml file, but that would be cheating now, wouldn’t it? If I were to do that I might as well pay for a reliable host — one that doesn’t seize during updates, or whose own site isn’t down as often as it is up. I’m just not that person.

I am a special kind of blogger. The kind who hastily throws together a site on the free software that came with his computer without searching for better solutions. The kind of blogger who picks a host based on television commercials. The kind of blogger who has no idea what he’s doing. In other words, the kind of blogger you want — nay, NEED.

UPDATE: I got a much better blogging system, thanks.

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